03 April 2012

Presenting our Boxes (2.4.12)

Today we presented our boxes and rated each other on various factors including aesthetics, manufacturing, performance, and whether or not it fulfilled the requirements.  Because my final green box wasn't finished, I used my completed white prototype (I felt the green box would be prettier but my classmates liked the white box just as well).

It was interesting seeing just how diverse our boxes were, and what materials we choose to use.  My box used the most different materials (acrylic, contact paper, hot glue, magnets, tape) whereas some boxes were just acrylic.  My box was also the only non-cube-shaped box and the only one to incorporate magnets.  While my classmates made boxes in which the sides met at 90 degree angles, I had to find a way to make my sides come together sturdily.  My box ended up being quite sturdy.

Another interesting thing about my project is that I started with an original plan (I want to make an octahedron!) and I followed through and accomplished that goal, with few changes in plans along the way (I suppose you can judge my use of the word "few" by reviewing my other posts, but my concept sketch exactly matches my final product).  This is in stark contrast to some of my classmates, whose final boxes do not resemble their original plans at all.  It was interesting to see how some students completely redid their plans throughout the time we had for the boxes, while I did not modify anything.

When it came to evaluating the manufacturing of my box, I explained that, for me, making this box was really enjoyable.  It's by no means an easy or quick box to make (some of my classmates have boxes where you just laser cut them, fold a few sides, and you're done).  I found that the production of my box requires a certain amount of craftsmanship, care towards detail, and willingness to work with one's hands.  I love projects like this, so making my box was fun for me, but to some of my classmates my box appears complicated and painstaking.

Above are pictures of the white board with our ratings.  Interestingly my box was the only one to get a 1,2,3,4, and 5 in the manufacturing category, meaning that opinion on my box really stretched the full spectrum of possible scores.

In our next class we will be assigned Project #2!

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