23 April 2012

Manning the Engineering Table (23.4.12)

Our class today fell during Wellesley's Spring Open Campus for accepted students, and during class was a fair in the science center in which each department had a table.  There was also an engineering table (next to physics and astronomy!) so Erin and I decided to bring up a bunch of cool examples of laser cut, 3D printed, Lego-built and electronic examples of the cool things students can do in the engineering lab.

Some of these cool things included a 3D printed gear heart, like the one below:


A few members of my particle zoo were there as well:

These particle zoo figures were based on the stuffed versions of the Standard Model made here: http://www.particlezoo.net/
Each particle was laser cut and I used white-out to make the faces.  On the back is the name of each particle plus it's mass, spin, charge and symbol.

Erin and I answered many questions about engineering possibilities at Wellesley, MIT and Olin.  Since Erin's taking a class at Olin next year and I'm currently taking a Course 16 (AeroAstro) class at MIT, we were able to cover all the engineering bases!  I even had a student text me saying that my input on engineering here was one of the deciding factors in her choosing Wellesley! (I also sent about 5 very long facebook messages to prospies about engineering and research at Wellesley, and two more said my input really helped).

Next class Erin, Kelsey and I will get down to business with our final project, a Harry Potter themed pop-up book!

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