From 6pm wednesday night to 5am thursday morning, Kelsey, Erin and
I completely reworked our final project. After being told our project was
not interactive enough, Kelsey suggested that we create a
choose-your-own-adventure (like the Goosebumps series) pop-up with six pages.
She wrote the text for each page and we sketched out a rough story-board
with the circuits we wanted on each page.
Because I had the
most artistic ability among us three, I was tasked with engineering
the pop-ups on each page and drawing the art while Erin and Kelsey designed
and soldered our circuits. What follows is a long series of
photos documenting our 11 hours in the engineering lab! I'll start with the finished page, then a photo of the text, then close up and photos of the process to make each page.
Page 1:
We put LEDs behind three of the floating candles in the great
hall. When the reader pulls down Hedwig's tab to have her fly to Harry,
she covers a photo-resistor which causes the LED's to flicker, the
way Hedwig's flapping would cause candles to flicker in real life.
Page 2:
Page 3:
Pulling the tabs on the left signify using the polyjuice potion, while pulling the right tabs uses the invisibility cloak.
Page 4:
The text is hard to read in this image. It says:
Ron, disguided as Snape meets Malfoy in the corridor and tells him that he has failed potions. Little did Ron know that Malfoy had just come out of the dungeon, where he had been discussing potions with the real Snape. Malfoy notices Ron's battered shoes and recodnizes that he is a Weasley immediately. He brushes off the comment, saying that his father will buy him a passing grade and, knowing that he is definitely up to something, stealthily follows Ron outside the castle where he meets Harry and Hermione. Don't forget to turn off the lights, both switches, before you go to page 5.
The later it got, the cooler our circuits looked.
At around 3am I decided we needed a comfy place to rest, so I hijacked one of the couches on the second floor of the science center (it has since been returned). It was quite nice.
Page 5:
Depending on the decisions made by the reader earlier in the story, either red or green will shine from two bicolor LED's in the center of Hogwart's castle (we used the same laser cut designs from the older version of our project).
Erin made a drawing of our circuit for this page:
Depending on the color, you read one of two narrations:
Page 6:
Image courtesy of Erin :)
I created a table that twists 90 degrees as it is opened or closed.
Photo courtesy of Erin
Our circuits on the bottom!
Also, my desk was only kinda messy by the time we hit 5am....
Photo courtesy of Erin